What is the State of Public Financial Management Reform in Developing Countries? class=

Où en est la réforme de la gestion des finances publiques dans les pays en développement ?

Doug Hadden, VP Produits

We participated in the 27th. Annual International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management (ICGFM) conference last week in Miami. There was about 275 participants from over 45 countries during the 5 day event. This is the premier global event to learn about Public Financial Management (PFM) trends and good practices. We continued our mandate of sharing these good practices through tweeting and currating those tweets. We also conducted a survey at our booth and used polling devices to answer a series of questions about the state of PFM reform, the quality of technical assistance and satisfication with government Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) – that we prefer to call Government Resource Planning (GRP). We used a number of similar questions across the two mechanisms and have posted our results below. Some conclusions from the survey and poll:

  • General view that PFM reform is on-track in developing countries but there has been a slow-down
  • Satisfaction with technical assistance is good but there is a lack of consistency in advice from donors
  • There is a growing recognition that “best practices” should be avoided and there are more important factors to PFM reform sustainability than legal reform
  • Satisfaction with FMIS systems remains fair and it is not clear whether many of the systems implemented are sustainable

We currated our tweets during sessions:


