5 Takeaways about 5G Internet of Things for Sustainability class=

5 lições sobre a Internet das Coisas 5G para a sustentabilidade

The Brookings Institution webinar earlier today described five important takeaways for 5G IoT technology for sustainability and smart cities. Speakers included Darrell M. West from Brookings, Bridget Karlin from Intel, Timothy Flemming from AT&T, John Garritty from USAID and Sokwoo Rhee from NIST.

  1. Sustentabilidade is the key driver for smart cities and smart government IoT adoption
  2. Combinations of muliple IoT technologies from different domains needed to achieve smart cities goals
  3. Barriers need to be overcome included standards to provide interoperability, cyber security to protect infrastructure and privacy, and mechanisms to overcome the IoT digital divide
  4. Unclear 5G impact through improved technology
  5. Procurement and financing reform is required to enable smart cities

