Classe Smart and Open Government News Digest=

Boletim informativo governamental inteligente e aberto

Interesting Smart Government, Smart Cities and Open Government news compiled by the FreeBalance Strategy and Innovation Group.
IMPORTANCE OF ‘GOOD WORK’ IN THE ‘FUTURE OF WORK’:  The Government of the UK investigated the impact of the “future of work” on government policy. The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices identifies how “Good Work is shaped by working practices that benefit employees through good reward schemes and terms and conditions, having a secure position, better training and development, good communication and ways of working that support task discretion.”
MORE EVIDENCE OF THE IMPACT OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS. Scanner de risco laid out the impact of IoT across industries. Smart Cities and Smart Buildings are presented in the “established” quadrant. Meanwhile, as reported by Ken Briodagh in IoT Evolution World, Frost & Sullivan predicted that “the total number of IoT devices will grow from about 12.44 billion devices in 2016 to more than 45.31 billion devices by 2023, at a global compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3 percent.”
OPEN DATA FUELS SMART CITIES: Jackie Snow in Smart Cities Dive reports on “opening data is the start of many smart city journeys.” 31 guidelines from the Sunlight Foundation on how to implement open data policies are described.

